Class SecureRandomSeedGenerator

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    SeedGenerator, Serializable

    public class SecureRandomSeedGenerator
    extends Object
    implements SeedGenerator, Serializable

    SeedGenerator implementation that uses Java's bundled SecureRandom RNG to generate random seed data.

    The advantage of using SecureRandom for seeding but not as the primary RNG is that we can use it to seed RNGs that are much faster than SecureRandom.

    This is the only seeding strategy that is guaranteed to work on all platforms and therefore is provided as a fall-back option should none of the other provided SeedGenerator implementations be usable.

    On Oracle and OpenJDK, SecureRandom uses; when /dev/random isn't available, that SeedGenerator class in turn uses the timing of newly-launched threads as a source of randomness, relying on the unpredictable interactions between different configurations of hardware and software and their workloads.

    Daniel Dyer
    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Field Detail


        public static final SecureRandomSeedGenerator DEFAULT_INSTANCE
        The default instance. (This class was formerly a singleton.)
    • Method Detail

      • generateSeed

        public byte[] generateSeed​(int length)
        Description copied from interface: SeedGenerator
        Generates and returns a seed value for a random number generator as a new array.
        Specified by:
        generateSeed in interface SeedGenerator
        length - The length of the seed to generate (in bytes).
        A byte array containing the seed data.
      • generateSeed

        public void generateSeed​(byte[] output)
        Description copied from interface: SeedGenerator
        Generates a seed value for a random number generator in an existing array.
        Specified by:
        generateSeed in interface SeedGenerator
        output - The array that is to be populated with the seed.
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class Object